After a break of several years from any significant research, the simple act of trying a new piece of genealogy software gave my research new life. I had been using Reunion for Mac as my program of choice. I like Reunion quite a bit. The interface is great and the information is presented in a clean, understandable way. I also love the iPhone and iPad apps that sync with the Reunion database on my computer. However, my database was in need of some TLC and it was just time for a change. I should point out that even though Reunion is no longer the primary software I use (more on that below), I still keep my Reunion database up-to-date so I can use the iPhone and iPad apps.
My original research was scattered, incomplete and lacking in proper sources. I had plenty of information and original documents. That wasn't the problem. My problem was that I had a huge pile of documents, notes and correspondence. I tried to enter information as I found it, but I was not overly diligent and figured I would worry about the sources later "when I had time." Of course, that was a big mistake. I had information in my database and had no idea where it came from. The task of fixing my database was overwhelming and I didn't even know where to start.
A few weeks ago I read an article on Eastman's Online Genealogy Newsletter about Family Tree Maker for Mac being available in the App Store. ( EOGN is one of the few genealogy sites I visit on a regular basis.) When I began my research over a decade ago I used Family Tree Maker for Windows and loved the program so I was very interested in this announcement. I visited the App Store and read the description and reviews of Family Tree Maker. I really liked the interface, how the program integrated with Ancestry.com and, as a bonus, the software download came with a six-month subscription. I was sold. After a quick download and registration I was ready to import my database. The export from Reunion and import into Family Tree Maker was simple and I was on my way in no time.
This time I was ready with a plan of attack. I would start by just focusing on my own surname. The Marsch line was my brick wall. Since I had the least amount of information on this line, I figured it would be the best place to start. I collected all of the documents and notes pertaining to my Marsch ancestors, and I planned to go document by document until I had entered all of the information (with sources!) for that line. Little did I know that my brick wall was about to come crumbling down.
So, that's how I got here. I hope you will come back to find out more about my research and what I have learned in the last 10+ years. Oh, and if you have any Marsch ancestors from Baltimore or Prussia please don't hesitate to contact me.
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